«Pendant des siècles, la Médecine s’est préoccupée de soigner. Aujourd’hui elle s'est donnée comme but de prévenir plutôt que de guérir.»
Pr Jean Dausset, Prix Nobel de Médecine, 1980
La Fondation Jean Dausset - Centre d’Etude du Polymorphisme Humain participe aux efforts nationaux et internationaux de recherche pour mieux déterminer le rôle du polymorphisme génétique chez l’Homme, tout particulièrement dans les maladies complexes, pour mieux les comprendre, les diagnostiquer et participer au développement d’une médecine personnalisée.

Sample collections PHARE and SIGNAL

A prospective clinical cohort (SIGNAL/PHARE) was specifically designed to study constitutional genetics in patients with breast cancer at adjuvant setting. The SIGNAL/PHARE cohort consists of over 9800 patients diagnosed with breast cancer, recruited through a network of clinicians across France from May 2006 to December 2013. The main objective of this study is to provide an adequately powered study to identify determinants of efficacy or failure of adjuvant therapy including trastuzumab, for the occurrence of cardiotoxicity after adjuvant therapy including trastuzumab, and for the development of specific molecular subtypes of breast cancer. Inclusion in the cohort is complete. Patients will be followed prospectively over a minimum of 5 years to capture adverse effects of treatment, treatment efficacy, and survival. Follow-up data will be collected until 2018, and survival analyses will be conducted when sufficient follow-up has accrued. Some of the samples are included in the ICGC project (International Cancer Genome Consortium).

This study was conceived by Professor Gilles Thomas at the Fondation Synergie Lyon Cancer and funded by the French National Cancer Institute (INCa). The principal investigator is Xavier Pivot (CHU Besançon). More details on the project and the list of investigators can be found on the INCa website (www.e-cancer.fr).

First results of the International ICGC project on breast cancer cofunded and codirected by the National French Cancer Institute are published in Nature.

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